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Your contribution will help to provide:
- Assistant's Monthly Salary
- Food and Rent
- Monthly "Outings" for each house
- Medical checkups and Medication for core-members
We want to be connected with you and to make you feel a part of our family! When you give, you will automatically be added to our newsletter and be given updates about our community happenings. You can also contact us at our email: or at our Facebook page.

This button will take you to the l'Arche international PayPal account. Please, specify that you would like to give to the Bangladesh community!
"One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn't as individuals. When we pool our strength and share the work and responsibility, we can welcome many people, even those in deep distress, and perhaps help them find self-confidence and inner healing."
-Jean Vanier
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