Pushpo Nir
Pushpo Nir, meaning the "flower blossom" house, is home to 12 beautiful woman.

Salma was one of the founding members of Pushpo Nir. She helps to welcome guests and is a member of the Rainbow team where she enjoys singing class and painting!
Priya has been a member of Pushopo Nir for 11 years. She welcomes newcomers to the community with smiles and hugs. She is also a member of the Rainbow team.
We are devastated to announce the unexpected loss of our beloved member, Priya. She lived in Pushpo Nir for 17 years, sharing with all her smiles and affectionate way of being in the world. We will miss her. Please, pray for her and for us as we grieve. Love from everyone in Mymensingh

Shanta has been a member of Pushpo Nir for 11 years. She is a member of the Workshop team where she sorts the beads for making jewelry and she is also learning how to make a bracelets.
Kusum has also been a member of Pushpo Nir for 11 years. She is an active member of the Workshop and helps take care of everyone in Pushpo Nir. She is responsible for the laundry and helping with dinner preperations.

Sriti has also been a member of Pushpo Nir for 11 years and works in the Workshop. She helps create greeting cards and bookmarks. Sriti is in charge of leading house meetings and she helps maintain peace within the home.
Sweetie first came to Pushpo Nir in 2008 and has since found her home here. Sweetie is a member of the Woman's Club where she sews dresses, purses and other items. She is responsible for cleaning, meal preparation and helping other members with daily activiites.

Shahanna is originally from Dhaka but moved to Pushpo Nir in 2008. She is a member of the Rainbow where she enjoys playing games and the garden. She is responsible for celebrations and ensures that everyone understands how excited they should be about the event!